Ethnic Hatred
Tears Apart a Region of Myanmar, by Thomas Fuller
Adapted by Nick
monastery on the edge
of this seaside town
, with novice monks in
saffron robes
finding shade under a
towering tree
and their teacher
launches a rant against Muslims,
when we feel threatened
we cannot be saints.”
“This is our native
land; it’s the land of our ancestors.”
Buddhist women burst
out laughing
“Even a small boy knows
he should not play with a kalar,”
Interesting. I like the image of the seaside monastery and the laughing women. I'm not sure what a kalar is, which makes me feel I'm missing something of the significance of the last line, but I suppose you can leave it to the reader to figure out what it is. I also think you should end the first sentence after "towering tree" and make "teacher launches a rant" separate.